HOPE for Hepatitis 간염 치료를 위한 소망

HOPE for Hepatitis 간염 치료를 위한 소망

$20,515 raised
  • Christian Friends of Korea
  • Hepatitis Project
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

How You Can Help

One Time Donation

One Time Donation

Monthly Donation

Monthly Donation

Nutritious Food-6 month supply 6달 분의 고영양 식량 제

Nutritious Food-6 month supply 6달 분의 고영양 식량 제

Send a 6-month supply of highly nutritious food to a very sick patient.

중환자들에게 6달 분의 고영양 식량 제공

Hepatits B Medicine B형 간염 악제

Hepatits B Medicine B형 간염 악제

Send a year's supply of life-saving hepatitis B medicine for 1 patient.

환자 한 명에게 생명을 살릴 수 있는 B형 간염 약제 1년지 보내기

Support Diagnostics for Clinic 클리닉 1회 분량의 소모품

Support Diagnostics for Clinic 클리닉 1회 분량의 소모품

Support diagnostic supplies and consumables for 1 clinic (approximately 500 patients)

클리닉 1회 분량(약 500여명의 환자)의 소모품 및 진단 자재들 후원

Lab Equipment 실험실에 한 곳에 실험 장비 보내기

Lab Equipment 실험실에 한 곳에 실험 장비 보내기

Send lab equipment for 1 new lab.

새로운 실험실에 한 곳에 실험 장비 보내기

Travel/training costs for 1 clinician 1명의 의료진

Travel/training costs for 1 clinician 1명의 의료진

Support travel and training costs for 1 clinician

1명의 의료진에게 방북 및 훈련 비용 후원

Funding Progress

January 1, 2023 to present
  • Donations received $20,515.00 Total donations received since January 1, 2023
  • Donations pending $0.00 Total donations that have been pledged but not yet received
  • Recurring donations $0.00 Total donations expected between now and December 31, 2023 from active recurring donations
  • Total raised $20,515.00

Cumulative Funding Progress

  • Total raised $28,335.00 All donations received since the creation of this project

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